Every workplace should be one where people look forward to going.
(Whether remote, in-person, or everything in between.)
Don't have a funny bone in your body? Don't have one funny person on your team?
Not only does this 9-session workshop series help you improve your sense of humor, strengthen your resilience, and boost your leadership skillset, it gives you the tools to inspire others to do the same.
In person or virtually, one workshop or all ten, this program will give you the hands-on skills to begin developing your creative muscle and the skill that gives you the ability to pivot in the face of adversity and uncertainty.
What other team-building workshop ends with you having your very own five-minute stand-up comedy routine?
Humor Leadership 101: What's So Funny?
An introduction to humor, creativity, and breaking the chain of linear thinking.
Remember, we can't solve problems with the same kind of thinking that created them.
The differences between humor, funny, and comedy
Humor myths, misgivings, and misunderstandings
The 4 types of humor (and the two to avoid)
Sense of humor self-assessments
Humor Leadership 201: The Time And Place To Laugh
An introduction to the potential benefits of using humor at work.
Because for too long, laughing at work has been frowned upon by many a manager, but this way of thinking is actually counterintuitive to building the skills we need in the modern workplace.
Benefits of using humor in the workplace
Humor outcomes to avoid
Personal case studies of workplace humor - how have you seen humor at work... well... work?
Humor Leadership 301: The Perspective Directive
Positive psychologists have concluded that 90% of our happiness is created from within, and when we're happy, we work better, but how can we "be happy?" The answer may be simple, but achieving happiness is more complicated than simply "being happy."
Misperceptions of happiness
How perspective determines outcome
5 perspectives for building a strong personal foundation
Leadership Laugh Hacks Part One
Statistically speaking, only about half of people are actually funny, but just because you may not be one of them, doesn't mean you can't learn to harness the same skills that a comedian uses to transform setups into punchlines to turn your problems into solutions.
A simple life (laugh) hack for creating a perspective shift
The power of asking questions
Self-assessments for discovering humor opportunities every day
Rewrite your negative narrative
Learn to attach feelings to goals
Signature strengths test
Leadership Laugh Hacks Part Two
One of our most limiting habits is our tendency to shoot down ideas and stifling our creativity. How can we overcome this habit and lean into our natural desire to create?
Meditative exercises and the power of living in the moment
Free association activities
Collaboration-strengthening improvisation games
Leadership Laugh Hacks Part Three
The most frequent question I get is, "How can we use humor at work without offending someone?" It's a complex answer, but this workshop simplifies "cancel culture" in a way that you can use humor strategically without worrying whether a visit to HR is in your future.
The power of nonverbal communication
A simple question anyone can ask before attempting to use humor
Realign your humor with your organizations's core values
Using mistakes as trust-builders
Tips for more effective feedback, both giving and receiving
Leadership Laugh Hacks Part Four
Laughing alone is fun, sure, but the effects of laughing as a team are exponential. To get the most out of using humor strategically in the workplace, create shared experience open to all, without wasting time or money.
Examples of team rituals and traditions to keep work light
Recognition techniques that come from a basis of humor
Establish comfort in delegating creativity
Set the ground rules for a humor department
Humor department pitch meeting
You're A Comedian Now (2 parts)
Participants will work with a professional comedian to write, rehearse, rewrite, and perform a 3-5 minute stand-up comedy routine. While daunting at first, participants will feel the support from a room full of people who are equally uncomfortable and create a shared experience that will bring your team closer together (and may even improve your public speaking skills!).